Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Overlooked Hoover Dam

Did you know the rest rooms are insanely cool.

Here are some other features of the Dam.

Check out the rabbit hole. under the spill way.

Bunker on the Arizona side. Built during WWII. Wonder what firepower it contained.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Needles California

This rail road town has seen it's best days. It's only claim to fame now is historic Route 66.

Dilapidated homes and buildings are the norm. I saw no new painted homes.
What did catch my eye was all the rusted early iron behind many homes. I will go back and get some pictures of various vehicles.

Tara would love this place. There are plenty of old motels standing. Only a couple are still open.

There are plenty of wall murals on buildings.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finally Respectful

Our rough winter weather has finally ended. It is a respectful day today.
