Thursday, January 30, 2014

Will the Wonders ever cease?

This adventure took us up the Christmas Tree Pass road. It was a short drive off 95 above Laughlin. We walked up a huge wash to the towering rocks and walla, petroglyphs everywhere.

                                  This is also a Geologist's playground. Check out the rock formations.

                                                         The Sunset on the way out.

                                                               AND WERE DONE!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A 17mile journey to Oatman.

We visited Oatman today. It is a old mining town that has since been converted into a tourist attraction. It reminded me of Jackson hole, lots of tourist shops and a gun fight in the street. But by far the most interesting attraction was the Burros. They walked the street mingling with everyone.

Clark Gable and Carole Lombard Honeymooned here. There is a cafe and bar totally wallpapered with money,mostly dollar bills.

                                            The local residents live in some peculiar homes.

                                           Val and I found a vintage Motorcycle Museum.

                                         We finished the Oatman experience with the turtle circus.

                                                              One last photo as we left.

                                                                  And were done.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lake Havasu revisited

Val and I went back to Lake Havasu to see the Balloon Festival. But all the venues were gone,seems people go home early on Sunday. We walked down the beach and found the mother of all skate parks and watched the kids (pretty amazing).

                                                            Absolute gorgeous day.

      This place is amazing. It is the biggest skate park I have ever seen. The kids were incredible athletes.

                                  This kid (red arrow) is TOP DOG. As you can see he has no fear.

                                 Val setting in front of the London Bridge on the way back home.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The older Russell family

Blaine, Dawn and Enid finally arrived. We had to take them back to Chloride to finish our tour. The town is as weird as we expected.

We played golf yesterday. Blaine,Dawn,Julia and Enid left today for Phoenix. Julia and Enid will spend the weekend with Dick and Devonna. Blaine and Dawn will spend the weekend with Monica's family.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Turquoise hunts ends at Chloride Arizona

We began our adventure at the end of Mineral Park road. We found a big Copper mine with No Trespassing signs. Across the road were several old abandoned mines. We forgot our flashlight so game over for exploring one.

                               Val found some very small pieces of Turquoise in a rock laden wash.

                                          So we were off to Chloride searching for Turquoise.

 We got side tracked and our interests leaned towards exploring this unique town and the surrounding area.

                                 Let the WEIRDNESS begin. We could see this was going to be stellar.

Julia bought lunch here. Old fashioned hamburgers with the buns toaster. Hand cut fries and home made slaw . In one corner was a small bar. They have live entertainment every night.

Old western Murals on the walls. Speaking of murals there is or was an artist (Roy Purcell) who painted Murals on the canyon walls above the town about 1 1/2 miles.


Here we begin the hike up to the Mural paintings. It was all up hill. We pushed Julia too hard and she got a bit nauseated. With some effort I made it to the Paintings and took some pictures.

 It was dark by the time we got back to the car. The sunset was gorgeous. This is a must come back and explore more of this town. We will do it when Enid, Blaine and Dawn are here.

