Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sunnyside 5K run

Well Val and I participated in the Sunnyside 5K run today to raise money for school computers. We walked the 5K course. At the awards ceremony they announced my name as the winner of the 60 and over category. Seems I was the only participant in that category so I got a first place metal. Am I excited? Well hell yes. "WINNING"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Things

First item: Tara you inspired me! I did not go super short, although now I wish I would have gone to my chin instead of just under. It is hard to cut curly hair and try to determine at the same time how short it is actually going to be when it shrinks up. I was able to donate 6 inches. 10 and the haircut would have been free, oh well. Sam says I look like you. Ben loves it! Will could care less.

Next item: Sam had a bowling birthday party a couple of Fridays ago. Everyone had a good time. Ben stayed home with Will because he had a melt down just before we left. Dad and I even bowled a couple of games together. But can I just say that our principal accomplishment of the evening was that we all got out with our lives and not one of us contracted MERSA or Necrotizing fasciitis! I am glad we did not take Will, he surely wold have perished after placing either of his tiny hands on any surface in the establishment and then placing them directly into his mouth.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

39 with Flat Bed.wmv

The truck is shaping up and soon will be road worthy. I am still planning to drive it to Richland WA. Never gone that far in a Hot Rod before, so I need to make sure all the bolts are tight. Might make it a 2 day trip up and a 2 day back and a week to rest while I'm there because I am only 7 years younger than the truck.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Threats from the border

First of all, I'd like to thank the nice couple that donated the money to get this website off the ground. I have volunteered my time to help with the cause down on our southern border. I have launched the official US Border Guard website at The US Border Guard is a group of volunteers headed up by J.T. Ready to combat the very real problem of human and narcotic smuggling across the U.S./Mexico border. This is no joke. These Border Rangers patrol an 80 mile area just south of Pinal county, AZ and have actually made contact with smugglers and armed 2-legged coyotes (human smugglers). As a USBG volunteer myself, I feel a certain rush when being directly involved with the security of my country, even if I am doing it from a living room in Tennessee. If you feel the desire to donate, please, visit the website and check out what the USBG is really all about.
Victory through Support!
Chad Russell

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A week in the SUN

Just got back from St. George. We took Sam and his friend Cory, they had a great time. We spent a whole day in Zion,s National Park( A park ranger caught Val and Kreyton throwing M&Ms off a scenic overhang) . And to top off the whole week, I took the boys to Vegas Friday to watch the first round of qualifying for the NHRA nationals. We were lucky to see the falls in Zion's. A couple we met, visit the park several times a year. They have been doing it for years and this is the first time they have seen the falls pour over the cliff.
