Friday, September 24, 2010

The haves share with the havenotz

The Green Belt is no longer about the Shake River and its scenic falls. It is no longer about asphalt paths cut through grassy banks. Nor is it about the shade trees that grace its banks. Artistic sculptured benches share the pristine beauty found on the famous Green Belt in down town Idaho Falls. The dole ducks and geese care less as they wonder around the metal and marble bases. These are gifts from the wealthy in town. City workers prepared and poured the concrete bases for each piece of art work. A small contribution came from the tax payers’ pockets. I am starting to accept the changing landscape. It’s like an old skinny mangy cat on your door step each day, you finally break down and feed the damn thing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here is some banjo pickin'!

Here I am, just screwing around. Sorry if it's a little quiet because I wasn't wearing my finger picks. When I polish my sound up, there will be more.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back on my own two feet again

Hey everybody,

I want to thank all of you who have helped me in the past couple of months. I'm finally on the positive side of my bills again and I already have next months rent paid. What a relief. I love you all and your babies. When I get more established, I will return the favors that you guys have granted me.
My banjo playing is getting better and I am making a few new friends here. I just wish that I had more time to play the banjo and make more friends. I am working my a** off at the studio and Pizza Hut. 2 almost fulltime jobs with only one of them paying 7.25 an hour... Hmmmm... I don't question my devotion. Be sure to check out my website at I just posted some new stuff and I still can't find the option in my web software to allow outside comments. Anyone working with iWeb should get ahold of me if you have the solution. Thanks.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Banquet

The Granner hosted another grand banquet to honor Samhain. Yes our summer has run it's course, hit the wall and has given way to a hellish winter just around the corner. We enjoyed a palethra of vegitables grown in our Family Freedom Garden.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

No Soliciting

Don't you just hate pushy door to door Cutlery salesmen?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Every once in a while, I'll find an image on the internet that makes me laugh out loud. Even more scarce are the images that make me cry on the inside. This image does both:

Such is the state of our youth...

Must Have Baby Feeding Gadget

These come in a pack of two, you get them at the baby feeding supplies aisle. I bought these for Amir, he refused to use them. They were sitting in the back of a drawer until about a month ago. I get produce boxes from Full Circle Farm CSA every other week, and the fruit almost always goes to waste because I forget to eat it. But the babies love nectarines and plums. So instead of mashing it...........
I cut up the fruit (stone fruits work best) and stuff the mesh bag with the fruit. The softer the fruit, the better. And cold fruit is good for teething babies.)
Then you close the locking handle, make sure it clicks (it is foolproof....)
Hand it over to baby....
And let the messy gnawing begin!

I seriously recommend these! Get Will some ASAP! Bananas don't work well in these, but most other fruit does...even apples. My kids like the plums, peaches, etc. best in them. My friend Kylene put ice in her daughters for relief from teething...I think Popsicles would also be good in them. I will post more photos of mesh fruit bag enjoyment tomorrow!
