Saturday, April 28, 2012


Please change the font! Cursive handwriting is so 1975.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Here are some photos of the slides Mom made my kids last summer.  Not a day goes by that the kids don't spend some time on them....the long one is really fast!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Double Up

It is time to double the size of our garden space. It will ease the burden of waiting in large food lines when we become a socialist entitlement country. We are also going to grow a few different vegetables like rutabagas and endive.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Aniversary 40 years

It was no easy task but we are still here and still together after 40 years. Now give us a BIG HAND.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Back yard dig

Today I went behind the Lilacs and dug up a ton of top soil to put in a new garden behind the shop. It never fails, I always find remnants of days past. When the boys were little they would spend half the summer behind the lilacs building roads/lakes/dams/rivers and towns. They had a plethora of match box cars and trucks on those little roads. Here are three I found today. They were a foot deep in the ground. It brings back a treasure of memories. I am wondering where we buried Julie,s  Barbie. I also found the headstone for Sam,s hamster. Can someone tell me what it's name was? Then I can call my new garden ( The __________________Memorial Garden).
