Friday, January 21, 2011

Holy Crap! What a great start to a new year!

Homeless men w/ killer voices! An assassination attempt on a politician! A federal judge killed! F#%*ing birds literally raining from the sky in the south! China becoming a world super-power! This crap wouldn't be happening if our Forefathers where in charge right now. Christy found this tasty morsel on youtube. (caution! NSFW! a little foul language, nothing you haven't heard from the wrecking crew) We couldn't stop laughing! We love and miss all of you!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can't wait to see what February brings!

1 comment:

The F***ing Fun Family said...

Wow! I was brainwashed as a school child. Thanks for showing me the real George. I had a feeling he was bigger than life but my first grade teacher painted him as a humble man and I left it at that. Live and learn.
