Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I have been up to!

On July 29th, I got home from work in the morning and decided to do my 20 pull-up routine. The pull-up bar that I use is a Golds Gym total gym setup that PROPS UP on the door frame rather than FASTENED to the wall. I have been using this pull-up bar for many months without any problems... until now. Basically it just fell mid workout and I dropped pretty hard on my right ankle. I let the pics do the talking.This was in the ER. Very swollen ankle.

The tip of my tibia was broken off and the ligament that stabilizes you tibia and fibula was torn. 4 screws and a plate were installed.

Stitches and incisions on either side of my ankle. That's gonna leave a scar.Chad R.


The F***ing Fun Family said...

Walter Brennen walked with a hobble. I hope you don't have any complications from this. But if you do you are in good company.

benton said...

Look errbody! Chad's got cankles!
