Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Summer that never was.

It just seems this summer was like a bad play. It didn't open well and the ending is not living up to its billing. Maybe it has a lot to do with the fact I almost died during the second act. But who's complaining outside of Alaska? King Kong had a great summer. Anyone remember 158 East Locust Street?


Benton said...

I am assuming that it is either the house you grew up in or else it was the house you and mom lived in before the move to Idaho Falls

The F***ing Fun Family said...

right on both accounts Ben.

desert dispatches said...

I lived there too! I remember the lawn flooding all the time and water skippers all over the yard, I remember poking the neighbor's squash with a nail there, and lots more stuff....good times for a 3 year old!
