Friday, August 20, 2010

Tara's picks from On Demand

I watched two movies On Demand this week, and loved both of them. First, we watched "Babies"...this is a documentary following the lives of 4 babies in different parts of the world for a year. It is hilarious, it is appropriate for everyone, and I believe anyone would like it. I love the little Mongolian baby (to the left)..he was my favorite. Parts of this movie made me so thankful that I live in America! Too bad the American parents were weird new age hippies in S.F. (and I don't mean Special Forces...). I recommend this movie to everyone.

Next, I finally saw Crazy Heart, and I also loved this film. I love stories of redemption, no matter how late it comes, and this is a good one. Jeff bridges absolutely earned his Oscar for this role. The language in this movie, although realistic, makes it not appropriate for everyone.
If anyone else has seen these movie, let me know, did you like them, hate them, slept through them? I'd like to hear what other people thought about them!


Rachel said...

i have the babies one on my netflix list. very excited to see it.

The F***ing Fun Family said...

I have been meaning to see Crazy Heart, but passed over it, thinking it had few (larger than life)action scenenes.

desert dispatches said...

There are no action scenes in Crazy Heart....just a lot of drinkin and geetar playin...then some tears and rehab....nope, no's all drama!
