Wednesday, May 4, 2011

He's gone Airborne

Ian graduated from Airborne School at Ft. Benning last Friday. He spent three weeks training for jumping out of the big C-130's (I think...) on a static line. He said it was pretty scary, but he got used to it. He will continue to jump monthly and get jump pay (on top of regular pay). He was able to get this opportunity because when he moved over to the 4-25th, he was put in the P-FAR, which is Parachute-Field Artillery Regiment (277th). It is an Airborne Unit, so everyone assigned to that unit gets to go to Airborne school. (He is not an Airborne Ranger, he is an Airborne soldier....his sister was confused about that on Facebook, if anyone noticed.) He will not be jumping in Afghanistan..there are no Airborne operations in modern warfare, it's mostly still around to maintain and promote morale, kind of a fun thing to do, and a nice tab to have on your uniform. Ian acts pretty nonchalant about it, but I think it's pretty great. Even the Marines send guys to the Army Airborne School. It is kind of prestigious. I think he should be more proud of it than he is.

1 comment:

Blaine and Dawn Russell said...

Way to go Ian, I am envious. Nothing like a parachute jump!!

BRR, USAR (05) but not airborne!
