Friday, March 2, 2012

Look what I can do!

Here are my Fiero seats.  The first picture shows the condition of the drivers's seat right after it came out of my car.  That cover has seen some better days...

Now the cover has been removed:

As you can see by the mouth and gums, as well as the emaciated appearance, this seat is a filthy crack whore.

The passenger seat is only slightly better off.  You'll notice that this seat has only recently begun experimenting with smack.  But you know how it goes, running with the crack whore in the driver's seat, it comes as no surprise that the passenger is starting to use.

I've sent the passenger to rehab, and an hour later, she is a changed woman.  May I present for your wonder and amazement, THE PASSENGER SEAT!!! 

Isn't that a thing of beauty?  She's a real looker.  At the time of press, I have been told that the passenger seat has convinced the driver to submit to an hour's worth of rehab.  These two seats look to be turning their lives around.  We can only expect greater things in the future!

P.S. Thanks Mr. Mike!  The seats are amazing!!!


The F***ing Fun Family said...

From the color you picked,I assume you are going to keep the car gold.

desert dispatches said...

Wow, those look great!

benton said...

I'm not sure if the car will stay gold or not. There are plenty of blue schemes that work very well with a tan interior. Same with green.

Unknown said...

Now, did you do this yourself? Either way, how nice it must feel for this auto to realize she is not going to end up in a gutter sporting dog house carpet hair!

benton said...

Yes, I did this myself. The upholstery came in a kit from Mr. Mike's leather. With a little time and patience (and an instructional DVD), everything went better than expected.

desert dispatches said...

Oh, crap, I didn't realize you did this yourself...I mean, the post title didn't give it away or anything, but I just thought you took it to one of those mexican quickie places in those 70's era strip malls that do the $200 paint know, where they don't prep the car at all, just spray, so you have to buff out the painted insects and stuff? Heck, if you did it, they look even better than I thought before!!!!
