Sunday, April 25, 2010

Did anybody see Arizona in the news recently?

This is a thread on Digg that I am currently involved with concerning the fiendish bill signed into law a couple of days ago in Arizona. Enjoy!

RentalCanoe said:

Welcome to A-R-izona. The "R" is for racist.

crussell99gt responded:

RentalCanoe, you are a complete fucking moron if you believe this is about racism. It is about enforcing the goddamned law because your PC government REFUSES to do anything about it. I live in Phoenix and I see first hand everyday what illegal immigration does to the community. Using the word "racist" paints a picture of the "eternal victim" that is the poster child of a PC society that will always fold under pressure (see Comedy Central and South Park). What police officers do to people they make contact with is completely up to the moral judgments of said policeman. If they are racist, they will make racist decisions. Those public servants must then be punished for violating civil liberties. That is how the laws are written. Have you even read the bill just passed in Arizona? I have. A couple of times... because every time I hear from some crybaby, like yourself, say that it is racist, I go back to read it and I CANNOT find ANYTHING specifying race, color, sex, religion, creed, ethnicity, number of limbs, etc. All it says is that if a police officer has reasonable suspicion (i.e. has no drivers license, zero I.D., faltering explanations of background) that the person is here in the United States illegally, then they can require legal and valid documentation of citizenship or a business/pleasure visa. That doesn't sound so unreasonable, does it? Seriously, if I am wrong here and you can prove to me that this bill has racism in it, I will mail you $100.00 and publicly apologize to all of the illegal immigrants in this country. RentalCanoe, why don't you grow a pair of balls and come out from behind the "racism rock" and stand up for your country?

novenator responded:

If you cannot see how racist this law is, you need to take a step back and get some perspective. How will these huge new discretionary powers be applied? How will a cop "suspect" someone of being in the country illegally?

by the way, calling RentalCanoe a "complete fucking moron" and saying "why don't you grow a pair of balls and come out from behind the "racism rock" and stand up for your country" only makes you look like a complete jackass.

crussell99gt snapped back:

You know, I see the light now. Yes. Yes I do!!! Let's just let anybody come here and by the millions! That is a great idea! Let's stop passing all of these hurtful and mean ol' "racist" anti-illegal immigration laws and just give our country away to criminals. I hope you like the heavy tax burden that comes along with an influx of bodies that need government health care because they cannot get a job in the already crippled labor market. But hell, it's the only compassionate thing to do. While we're flushing our homeland down the toilet with the worlds poor and unfortunate, we start feeling the pressure of the expanding crime rates, homelessness, and inevitable conflicts between cultures. So now there are 100,000,000 new immigrants here wanting their piece of the pie. If you are good at math you will understand this: there is one apple pie on the table. You and four other people chipped in and bought all of the ingredients to bake this delicious pie and you are entitled to 20% of it. However, three of your friends have two friends each that have no pie because they don't have the money to buy any. Your three friends decide that it is only right to share and being the compassionate person that you are, you say "C'mon in! There is always room for 6 more!!!" All of a sudden you realize that now there are 11 people getting a piece of the pie your share has now dwindled down to 9%. You think to yourself "I can deal w/ nine percent. It's not like I NEEDED that much pie." You also notice that one of your new guests has also taken your chair at the table while you were getting yourself a soda. You ask for it back but the guest cannot understand you because there is a language barrier. So you just give it up and move on, right? Right. Now it's time to take a bite of you well deserved pie. But wait!!! Three of the guests are pregnant and have their babies right there in the dining room and the world says "WELCOME!!!" to a set of twins and two other babies. But these babies are now a part of your group and babies get hungry. Time to divide the pie up even further! Lets see: there were 5 people originally plus the 6 buddies you invited in plus 4 new babies. That's 15 people! Your share of pie just dropped to 6%.
I could go on w/ this forever until you have no pie left. Look, dude. The world has bigger problems than racism. You need to take a step back and get some perspective. Also, go to YouTube and search "Immigration Gumballs." It is an eye opener. Please understand I am not trying to belittle you but instead trying to drive a point home. WE CANNOT SURVIVE AS A COUNTRY WITH OPEN BORDERS! It simply cannot be done.

MCjackhammer responds:

"All it says is that if a police officer has reasonable suspicion (i.e. has no drivers license, zero I.D., faltering explanations of background) that the person is here in the United States illegally, then they can require legal and valid documentation of citizenship or a business/pleasure visa."

Uh huh...and if the cop is not arresting every brown guy in sight, they can get sued for not "enforcing" the law...

crussell99gt replied:

Shit yeah they'd be sued!!!! That is, if the bill was telling them to be "arresting every brown person in sight." Which it doesn't. Anywhere. You need to realize to immigrants come in many colors, not just brown. So what do you think needs to be done about illegal immigration? I know I don't have all the answers but I do know that laws such as this are, at the very least, trying to do something about it. This law mirrors what the federal government has on its books except that the feds are not enforcing it. Sometimes I wish I were blinded by racism so I could fit in w/ all of you people. Having my head in the clouds would be nice so that I wouldn't have to deal w/ the realities of life. But alas, that is not the case because there is something inside of me telling me that we are in danger of becoming a country that harbors criminals and deadbeats. Don't get me wrong. I am in total favor of immigration. AS LONG AS IT IS LEGAL. I cannot expect to cross into another country and have them welcome me w/ open arms. I (just like you) would be required to take the necessary legal steps in order to nationalize myself in another place. Is that unreasonable? Is that too harsh to be expected to follow the laws of the land you are currently in? I feel like I'm talking to myself here and that I am surrounded by people who have an "entitlement" mentality (BTW, nobody is guaranteed anything). Maybe I'm the crazy one here who wants to protect my country from hordes of invaders from other countries... Boy, oh boy. For once I would like somebody to reply to this with something that contains a little more substance than just cutting and pasting snippets of my previous posts with an added open-ended question that I have already covered.

1 comment:

The F***ing Fun Family said...

I love the way you write, Chad. You back up your's good.
